Spot That Bird!

Whats App Image 2022 07 20 at 11 13 22 AM 5

20 Jul 2022

Thank you to our older children, the Power Owls, for organising this amazing activity. The Rainbow Rebels spent their Sunday exploring their local nature, in search for birds. Some of the birds spotted by our children were:

  • Coots
  • Morhens
  • Parakeets
  • Cormorants
  • Pigeons
  • Magpies
  • Seagulls

We also found lots of feathers and a cocoon attached to a tree! When we weren't spotting birds, we were pretending to be them in our hilarious bird racing competition. Lots of smiles and creativity. Join us this Sunday for more fun!

Screenshot 2022 07 20 at 11 26 25

Feel free to download this SPOT THAT BIRD activity sheet, made by our Power Owls.


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