The Reverend Philip Waldron

Greetings! I am privileged to serve three exceptional congregations within the Merseyside District: Southport Unitarians, Ullet Road Church, and Wirral Unitarians.

Since 2005, I've been an active member of the Unitarian movement in Liverpool. My journey began at Gateacre Chapel, where I discovered a supportive community that fostered spiritual growth within a liberal environment. It was in this nurturing space that I experienced spiritual liberation, and became inspired to contribute by helping others free their spirituality from rigid dogmas and doctrines. Through contemplation and reflection, we can discover what truly matters in our lives and learn how to better serve others.

In the words of the English Unitarian preacher and writer, James Martineau, "Religion is no more intended to peak and pine in solitude than a flower is to waste its sweetness in the desert air." This captures the heart of Unitarianism: an embracing, community-focused spirituality.

For me, Unitarianism has been a transformative journey of self-discovery, one where the divine works through each of us. By quieting ourselves, we can better hear the call of our inner spirit. My goal as a minister is to empower my congregation to think deeply about their lives, embracing their ability to transform and become the person they are meant to be. Is this not the essence of our salvation?

Since July 2015, I have been humbled and honoured to serve these three congregations as their minister. I cordially invite you to join us for a Sunday Service; come as you are, and you will be warmly welcomed. As Martineau also said, "We have not to construct human nature afresh, but to take it as we find it, and make the best of it." So, come as you are, in all your beauty and complexity.

Many blessings,


What is Unitarianism?

Freedom, Reason, and Tolerance

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